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Jishnu: Any Song playlists?
Sunday Songs
Monday songs
Tues songs
Wednesday songs
Thursday songs
Friday songs
Saturday songs
Jishnu:Whats up?
Kalpesh: I am watching Pres. Joe Biden
Jishnu:Yeah he is Pres Joe Biden
Kalpesh:Yes and I am listening to Him on his talks about economics, China, Middle East
Filipinos, Latinos , Health , ecology ,India, animals, education,Pizza etc
Jishnu:Yeah it can enhance human life...What about some new playlists?
Kalpesh: Yes , and about the playlist ie ,new songs 0001, India St food, Karelasyon, Magpakailanman,DJ Raqi Secrets files , Xerex,Christmas songs, Symphony, DJ Richard Sun Songs, Joyful soul songs. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ,Wed , Thurs, Fri, Sat, songs. Rap Pinoy. Cha cha , Hard Rock . Tiktok Ph fave, commedians , Movie trailers.
Jishnu: But typhoon Ullyses is coming International name Hagupit
Kalpesh:Yes this 24 hours .
Jishnu:What do you mean by Joyful soul songs?
Kalpesh:Its just danceable on tiktok thats what it means.
Jishnu: Those rap songs Pinoy is that pure rappers?
Kalpesh:Nope its hiphop and Pinoy love songs.
Jishnu:What does she mean by sorry?
Kalpesh: Sorry she cant be a textmate thats it.
Jishnu:So you like Indian St foods videos?
Kalpesh:Yes also Madiskarteng Nanay and Bhavna, Taiwanese Bakers, Best food ,Thai,
Japanese ,Chinese Chefs etc
Jishnu:What about news songs 0001 are they really new?
Kalpesh: Yes, Reyna, Platinum Videoke song book app said so
Jishnu:What food people must avoid?
Kalpesh:Black Pepper , red chili powder
Jishnu: Is antibiotic good for gum diseases?
Kalpesh:Yes , but Ascorbic acid is 100x better
Jishnu:Araw Ulap Langit, Mardy, Wala man sayo ang Lahat you like those songs?
Kalpesh:Yes also Bakit ba ikaw?
Jishnu: What else?
Kalpesh: Mangarap ka and Im going to make some Wednesday songs playlist.
Jishnu: You find VP Kamala Harris beautiful?
Kalpesh:Yes and eloquent articulate and pragmatic about her dreams.
Jishnu: Namaskar
Kalpesh: Namaskar
Jishnu: What is the next level of gingivitis?
Kalpesh: Periodontal disease one needs antibiotic and mefenamic acid for that
and oral hygiene regimen using mouthwash and dental floss and
and Vitamin C and multivitamins like that of Kirkland and Vitamin C
like that of Fern C with 500 mg. Cold water can help with salt .Make sure
you maintain oral hygiene and thats it. Herbal can help if you know
some citrus with Vit C add little salt those dentist advise still numer 1.
Some uses oil if you are not used to it then dont. Antibacteria are in demand.
Oral hygiene ( see gums and dental health )must be a conscious effort other wise one can suffer from
gum problems .
Jishnu: Is it okay for a teacher to become silent for 2 months?
Kalpesh: Nope a teacher cannot be silent for two months unless teacher and the students
were doing 60 days of silence or at least 30 minutes of silence anytime of the day at least ( maonbrath). But in some teachings theres no such
thing. Normally its videoke all the time and other academic subjects.
Jishnu: So what are the consequences?
Kalpesh: People are talking so the world becomes polluted with noise,
people keep on moving here and there transporting viruses everywhere.
Without self restraint similar to that ECQ it would be worst.
Jishnu: You mean using silence is a must?
Kalpesh: Yes like in nursing , take time to think for oneself , like meditation
If one can think for oneself then much better. Sometimes share sciences
and do debate.
Jishnu: Its getting colder theres LPA flooding typhoons and combined with pandemic
people are suffering from psoriasis , dialysis, thyroid cancer, flu,TB, HIV,
Govt try to prevent diseases using vaccines.
Kalpesh: Not bad , to become healthy eat 30 % fruits, to have celllular level of
do 8 hours without food before eating the next meal.Because bad bacteria feeds on food too when one stops eating ,bad bacteria bad virus can be regulated. And avoid eating
any dead animals also their juices of whatsoever.
Jishnu: Can one survive without killing animals and not eating fish fowls eggs
Kalpesh: Yes but theres no easy way to practice fasting vegetarian nowadays theres
always obstacles causing a lot of sufferings to many. Today people always talk
about economics and more money to maintain food choices , lifestyle and
that includes medications maintenance. Everyone is on certain type of
medication .Thinking food and medication are two separate things , in Ayurveda its not so their medicince is the menu on the table itself , without job One can lose lifestyle but not life. Its always personal , religion for example should be personal and not global pursuit. Elections happens but in the end only one person will decide. Health have nothing
to do with death. Death is a small event in life , earth sucks you the the earth spit you out
the same cycle process continues. Even the so called great people are topsoils now. Without a trace , immortality means forever famous like Tut, Moses , Jesus etc very few people are
immortal. And they become top soil too. Even the solar system is a speck within the universe and one think he is big?
Jishnu: What about Jake and Jazzy?
Kalpesh: Its a playlist here. Plus New Songs .
Namaskar Aug 26,2020
Jishnu: All things started from zero and is nothing. Shiva means nothing also.
And something must come from something. And zero comes from zero.
But seriously one should start from number 1 not from zero unless its 0.1 etc.
Yes one can divide any number but not zero. Okay lets dig that treasure so
where is that treasure? Is it in Discovery Channel or in History Channel?
Kalpesh: Both and its interesting like UFO , treasures, mining, pinoy songs,
Mongolian, Vietnamese , Nepali, etc disco are interesting, also Chinese, Myanmar
,Thai , disco and love song are interesting too.
Jishnu: Whats it gotta do with Pubg? Is pubg good for kids?
Kalpesh:Human history is full of war , it helps you aim better.
Thats why its interesting. Human Pubg is also a history on the making
Someday they will add up UFO , disco and love song in every game.
Isnt that Mahabharata is a Pubg of the past? Its like World war I II and now
the war with microbes. In the past its physical liberation now its economic
liberation , and another is Psycho spiritual longing for bliss , liberation and
all will follow and will lead to progress.
Jishnu:When you say Unidentied or Unknown does it include space x and online
education and shopping?
Kalpesh: Obviously, but dont believe anything unless you experience that.
Belief is like I dont know so I believe.
Jishnu:But why are you watching all the eVehicles on Youtube and Inner Engineering too?
And you play kiirtan and Prabhat samgiit everytime you enter your room?
Kalpesh: Because it works all of them , you know it works with experience
not just hearing stories.
Jishnu: You have learned most business are online now and DTI approved,
and some on delivery most are craving for food , gadgets now its basic
all that is in Lazada for example are basic needs , wants are just the
essence of expansion You think so?
Kalpesh: Good observation , struggle is the essence of life , and one should
have access to interesting things that work other wise once own intellect will
turn against one self if ones own intellect is the boss now and against oneself
one have a problem . Your own intellect or cerebral capability must be your
best company not an enemy. So there must be sadhana for scientists intellectuals
like them engineers scholars doctors etc
Jishnu:Can you become aware between wakefulness and sleep ?
Jishnu: Can you become conscious all the time?
Kalpesh: Yes
Jishnu:You are talking to people this morning at Emission system
what did they tell you?
Kalpesh:They want vehicle registration just like license must be renewed
every 5 years or 10 years because it is giving them suffering every year.
Now that is pandemic time or challenging time the testing is fully book
till next year 2021 of January and the pandemic will last till next two years.
2020 to 2022. And the virus can infect one again and again it doesnt
give immunity the body cant get immunity from it so the vaccine should
be flexible . Or just make the immune system stronger by avoiding
energy wastages . Eating food that doesnt attract the virus, like vegestables
and fruits , have you encountered any veggies and fruits with covid 19? Nope
only chicken ,cat, monkey because animal are the virus habitat if your cells
are from animal protein naturally it will be attractive to them , get protein from
plants instead.
Jishnu:Thats what they told you, what did you tell them?
Kalpesh: I have mentioned life, and ask them about vehicles franchize , politics, religion
,food business, facemask , and how electric vehicle will be a danger to emission testing. One is concerned of lack of extra garbage numbers, extra heavy engine number
and the difficulty of registering the dream eVehicles .
Jishnu:Yes some possible problem will arise not the possible solutions.
One driver is worried of 300 more tricycle rivals , that is the only worry
a tricycle driver have, then the mind's priorities varies from online education,
transport and the waiting goes on Insurance company have some swapping to do.
Why noodles , mami and pares smells the same?
Yes and people that want them feels the same. I said Ajinomoto means essence of taste
made from sugar cane.
Namaskar Jul 28 2020
Jishnu: Whats Up with music?
Kalpesh: Lea Salonga , Sarah G, Jasmine K
Jishnu: Any practical arts?
Kalpesh: Electricity 1, cba , elec 3
Jishnu: Any cure of Pandemic?
Kalpesh: The virus cant move by itself human gives them free transport please
regulate moving and over population
Jishnu: What have you discuss with Jaagrath?
Kalpesh: Sona Politics
Jishnu: How about Jaanav?
Kalpesh: His topic was about estafa he misses his wife with estafa case
Jishnu: I thought estafa is payable?
Kalpesh: yes I think so money solve all problems cash or installment
Jishnu: But jail is over crowded and the Stadium is crowded with LSI
Kalpesh: True True Happiness will follow
Jishnu: Thats your moms fave lyrics and song
Kalpesh: Shes got many fave when shes still alive
Jishnu: any scary thought?
Kalpesh: I open the door one night I was expecting I will see something I forgot its
no power night , when I look it was so dark and cold wind
Jishnu: you mean pitch black
Kalpesh: Yes
Jishnu: When you think of Madonna who else comes to your mind?
Kalpesh: All singers females
Jishnu:Sharon Cuneta?
Kalpesh: All Pinay singers
Jishnu: Lea Salonga?
Kalpesh: Sarah G , Jasmine K , Vina Morales and Sharon C.
Jishnu: Whats new?
Kalpesh:Little Mermaid
Jishnu: Is that new?
Kalpesh:For me yes
Jishnu:Is Elton John on your playlist too ?
Kalpesh:Yes and other singers that comes with him on my thoughts.
Jishnu:Whats up with Pubg?
Kalpesh: It has 30 minutes world event with points one can redeem
Jishnu:I thought its unbearable?
Kalpesh: Nope its perfect uninstall then reinstalling it works
COD vehicles have bad control and shooting is slow and opponents run away
and dont shoot back.
Jishnu: How about msn news?
Kalpesh: When you are reading it it shows so many ads and it says next , next endless next and still you dont find the interesting topic its controlling deceiving you to their ads and nonsensical other links
Jishnu:Just like fb videos from hell?
Kalpesh: Yes exactly a waste of time your interests are snared by unsolicited awareness
Jishnu: Is it all bad?
Kalpesh: Nope Im just little bit carried away but it helps me focus on time and energy
JIshnu: Time and energy?
Kalpesh:Yes time and energy its not immortal its mortal by nature.
Jishnu: I know where this is going with that topic
Kalpesh: Yes spirituality
Jishnu: Any new app?
Kalpesh: Mug life , iflix,Automatic Background,Convert to mp3,TV news,iPlayIT,
Screen Master,VR Box Player, GIFshop, Alien Worlds Music Visualizer
Jishnu: What did you tell to Sadhana?
Kalpesh: Nothing just news about Pandemic , Sona Ph, TV Patrol news
Local news on economics personal and social
Jishnu: Whats Up with SG?
Kalpesh: The Universe he said it made of 5 elements earth wind fire ether and air
Jishnu: I know theres more
Kalpesh: He said some bad things must go
Jishnu: What particular thoughts things tradition?
Kalpesh: Its about the quality of a leader it doesnt matter if it man or woman
good and bad , man woman , are actually have disastrous effect its a long story
Jishnu: Yes he makes difficult things easy
Kalpesh: Yes others making easy things difficult and complicated. Another people
should stop making conclusions, because conclusion means you are dead. What is
the conclusion of life? Death. Water should be handle with care man should study
water in a way no man have done before , water have memory touch it before drinking
it or it will be poisonous.
Jishnu: But you never tell me whats with adscliff clan.
Kalpesh: It has more enthusiastic elite member now
Jishnu: Pubg not bad
Kalpesh: Should you get Jaagrath out of the street blues?
Jishnu: Street debate again ?
Kalpesh: No way he is trying to make it legit street debate
he will end up a street traffic enforcer politics economics and mystical topics
cant be discussed with him thats it
Jishnu: Why?
Kalpesh: his identity is the problem if ones identity is not universal
theres no more room for road widening because he is standing there thats it.
Jishnu: Okay then get him out of your apartment
Kalpesh: Let the nature decide with that
Jishnu: What do you mean nature?
Kalpesh: The dharma sutras
Jishnu: I thought it was Karma Sutras?
Kalpesh: Nope Dharma Sutras
Jishnu: And Adelle?
Kalpesh: Adelle she is once a fave singer and chubby.If you can listen to her
those days will go back.And Elton John yes.
Jishnu: How do you cope with anger?
Kalpesh: By smashing my fist to the wall ,plywood wall and cycling hard and throwing the same fist to the seawall and breaking it. But I dont recommend that, one best way is
to shut up, number one is to shut up. But there is nothing can beat with effective lessons of
Sadhana or meditation with Japa , pranayama ,kiirtan and 16 points there is no
shortcut , one must do the karma , Jinana and Bhakti Sutras but there is only one
Namamantra that BNK. And lots of PS song 5000 plus song to have the same effect.
Jishnu: Now you are opening to that world tristratumic world.
Kalpesh: Yes play kiirtan and Prabhata Samgiita once you are inside your room thats it.
Do it all night. When you do that the room becomes a room being, all for the well
Jishnu: So what do you want to do with people who are pretending to be deaf and mute
and with bad propensities like vitarka propensities how you will deal with
argumentativeness with exaggeration will you just avoid it and visit your dentist
instead ?
Kalpesh: I see them as lights floating around me
Jishnu: Okay I see thats Bhuta Shuddhi
Kalpesh: Yes
Namaskar July 13 2020
Jishnu: Do you have updates?
Kalpesh: Yes sign language
Jishnu:What else?
Kalpesh: lots of music from Abba ,Dire Strait to Cliff Richard to Zeppelin
Jishnu: Obviously they are interesting anything not so obvious?
Kalpesh: You mean you want to talk about something else from
politics to pubg?
Jishnu: Yes what about pubg?
Kalpesh: Pubg I have a clan its called AdsCliff but only two members
Jishnu: Dont worry earth is a lonely place
Kalpesh: Nope I have 5000 friends on fb
Jishnu: But you got zero likes, you have nothing!
Kalpesh: I have become invisible on fb no one notices me even on youtube
I am sure its normal. I dont want to become famous I just want to become
myself simple not famous. And its obviously granted.
Namaskar 061720 Wed
Jishnu:Is dissecting things the way of education today?
Kalpesh:Yes and its not effective how can you know someone if you
dissect him her ?as one example.
Jishnu:So whats up?
Kalpesh: Just few great things about Praveen Mohan, Sadhguru, music
see the contents about them
Jishnu:How about your new hair color and Karma Sutra?
Kalpesh: Yes back to black hair ,about Karma Sutra its the action in
physical ,mental, emotions and life's energy those deeds in those
Jishnu:What about Kapamilya Channel and music?
Kalpesh:Yes a lot of Kapamilya Channel program from Angel Locsin to
Zsa Zsa Padilla. Music ...music yes I can hear your voice is cool.
Rocknroll 60's and Song covers by Donald Trump. Some Prank is good
and all these Ukelele.
Jishnu:What about vaccine to that virus?
Kalpesh:Vaccine is on process, but the new symptoms is on, someday the
virus will become harmless but friendly to the body and not a threat.To kill a bacteria
or virus can kill a human too . Disinfectant will not work always harmlessly
so extra care must be there, because its
not natural just like chemical fertilizer. One should increase body immune
system power. For plants one should use useful not harmful for plants in the long run.
Jishnu:How to make immune system stronger?
Kalpesh: There are process in all dimensions of a human body
basically wear ppe maintain hygiene and animal friendly diet. Maintain
physical distancing wash your hands avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth
and face. The rest are discussed daily on tv radio and internet etc.
Jishnu:So what do you do first thing in the morning?
Kalpesh: Play music , then do the namaskar ,exercise then Sadhana.
Jishnu: You dont explain it well why and what kind of music exercise and sadhana?
Kalpesh: Kiirtan music , shaolin exercise , surya yoga chandra namaskar and
Parambhika Yoga Sadhana.
Jishnu:That sadhana are for vegetarians only
Kalpesh:Yes and Sadharana Yoga is okay for any diet.
Jishnu:Those process to make immune system stronger what are those?
Kalpesh: Its like inner engineering. See the contents inner engineering.
It is a tool and should be with practice to take effect.
Date Link Title
May 28 2020 Thursday
Jishnu: Whats up?
Kalpesh:Updates ?Yes of course 1. Engineering means using things the
way you want it to be , the way we want it to be.
Jishnu: So whats up?
Kalpesh: Changes are going on a site says 10 subpages are allowed
and copy paste letters are getting larger and larger it is starting to annoy me.
Jishnu:Is that your update?
Kalpesh: GCQ is on Ecq is out. Isnt it annoying knowing the virus continues?
And Inner engineering and yoga yantra( devices tools is the answer) !
Jishnu: And how;s tiktok , Kalaripayattu and Inner Ingineering related to that?
Kalpesh: One is exercise , another is exercise and practice is needed too and
the other needs discipline ,exercise and practice. People need Inner
Engineering to have 10 % upgrade of Self.
Jishnu: And whats that exactly?
Kalpesh: It is the path of being joyful blissful Yantra meaning tools or device
to attain Union with the source of life. It takes focus and needs
experiences to improve life and make it Joyful and its all about being
pleasant. So see cnbites look for content and look for 1.Inner Engineering
and 2. Isha Yantra for Sadhana.
May 21 2020 Thursday
Stupid life is crazy
Updates like songs of life , slow rock etc. and queen and various artists.
Jishnu: So whats up pre intra and post now?
Kalpesh: Jazzy is stupid crazy and ignorant, he is telling many stupidity and ignoring
the facts with his lazy thoughts. Info is not knowledge but what if info is not
intelligence. Because info is not intelligence. Memory is not intelligence.
Jishnu: Thats crazy memory is one of the dimension of intelligence
Kalpesh: Yes and there are 4 thats intellect identity memory and citta.
Jishnu: Yes that memory thing have 8 types but still are memories only in different types
Kalpesh: Yes info is not intelligence
Jishnu: Then what are infos?
Kalpesh:Its important for survival just like the sensory and motor organs. A collection of thoughts just like body is collection of heap of food. Theres a time
to eliminate undigested food and undigested thoughts for they are no more important but waste or not needed
no more after using .
Jishnu:Please go back to the updates what updates?
Kalpesh: Yes I told you already its those songs of life, queen and various artists and
slow rock and more. It made me think of like that queen and various artists. Or that
syntax an artist beautiful piece then with other artists .Then came Enumthings- are enumerated things ie 10 beautiful tourist spots, 15 steps to be conscious etc. Then
people personage namtar . I hate to use the word people . But it is the only word to use
to good people Im not thinking people are bad at all it never occured to my mind. Only
movies thinks people are bad. Celebrities , non celebrities , we need politicians and we a
also need non politicians. We need showbiz and we also need non showbiz.
Jishnu: is that relevant now?
Kalpesh: Yes stay at home practice social distancing are the most relevant things.
Jishnu: But the updates are those contents!
Kalpesh:Yes and that is holistic its relevant and all links will lead to liberation
042620 1.0 Contents - updates (050320 Happy Sunday ) 2.0 others
April 8 2020 1. World Time 2. India clock 3. Flags around the world 4. others
1.0 Mar 17 2020 : Emotions - Emotions page are topics from Arts to
2.0 Coins Referral .
3.0 Talk Ph - Covid-19.
Namaskar alternative to handshaking as way of greetings.
Sea water rice - is possible.
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