Champs - Intelligence

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17.0 Intelligence

         Data and info and thoughts are not intelligence even memory are not intelligence. Intellect is use for survival but survival is not forever because everybody will die. Memory is who you are without it you are nothing.So memory is what makes you who you are discriminatory intellect is in the mind because we have human body but when body is gone no more discriminatory intellect. There are 8 to 10 types of memory.

7.1 Jishnu: How vulnerable are we to others? Negative vibes? Kalpesh: If you are a white shirt and you went to shirts to be dyed with red color then you  turn red like them you have no choice so choose your company wisely.Jsihnu: What are the dimensions of memory?
Maetreya Cintamani: What are memory mind and body?
Kalpesh: genetic memory is a memory that you look like one of your ancestor it is sitting on your nose and never forgets brain cant do that body + memory = mind. Memory corrupts the mind of a person. Actions should be successful. Body mind should take instruction from you. You are suppose to produce high in your body ananda on mind. Opposite effect is grave face. Process is important so that result will come. Respect is earned not gain. Desire is direction those who play well can win only. Only human knows how to be , only humans are human beings, we call tiger lion elephants but not tiger beings, lion beings, or elephant beings. People do things consciously.  1.0 Buddhi means intellect 2.0 Ahamkara means identity 3.0 Manas (Memory) 1.conscious 2 unconcious 3.genetic 4. evolutionary 5. subconscious  6. articulate  7. inarticulate 8. karmic   . Manomaya kosha 4.0 citta - pure intelligence,beyond you and every influence
5.0 the solution it is intellect identity memory and beyond the 3 like iim that iim or intellect identity and memory 6.0 or buddhi ahamkara manas  (bam) and citta, citta is beyond them.
Jishnu : What does Ananda sutram says about Citta? Kalpesh:
1.12 Tiivrasaungharśeńa cúrńiibhútáni jad́áni cittáńu mánasadhátuh vá.tiivra = excessive; saungharśeńa (3rd case) = by means of clash; cúrńiibhútáni = pulverized in the objects; jad́áni (pl.) = crude factors; cittáńu = ectoplasmic particles: citta (mental objectivity) +anu (small particle); mánasa = mind; dhátuh = substance, elements; vá = or[Due to excessive clash, some crude matter is pulverized, and cittáńu (ectoplasmic particles), or mind-stuff, is evolved.]1.13 Vyaśt́idehe cittáńusamaváyena cittabodhah.vyaśt́i = individual, unit; dehe (7th case) = in the structure; cittáńu = ectoplasmic particle; samaváyena (3rd) = by means of combination; bodhah = feeling, sense[Through the combination of ectoplasmic particles in the unit structure, the feeling of citta (objective mind) evolves.]1.14 Cittát guńávakśaye rajoguńaprábalye aham.cittát (5th case) = from citta; avakśaye = in the waning; rajoguńa = mutative force; prábalye = in the dominance; aham = sense of doership, doer “I”, or owner “I”[As the influence of the guńas wanes and rajoguńa becomes dominant, the aham (sense of doership) evolves out of the citta.] Jishnu: What is mind? Kalpesh: The subtlest form of matter . Jishnu : What is body? Kalpesh : Deha or body have accoustic root on every chakra each have colors sounds and forms. Jishnu : May I know what are those things about chakras?Kalpesh: Its the science of Chakra Shodhana a tool also go to your Dada contact Him and ask for that Lesson Jishnu: Dada who? A teacher so you can learn those tools.

1 Emperic
2 Psychic
3 Magic
4 Scientific
5 Athletic
6 Romantic
7 Mystic
8 Cosmic
9 Materialistic
10 Holistic 





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